Navigating the Festive Season with Ease

Christmas - the season of joy, festivities, and, let's be honest, a touch of chaos. As parents, we've all been there, juggling the demands of the season while trying to keep our cool. Why is it that the most wonderful time of the year often comes with a side of emotional turbulence, especially for our little ones?

I shared a few of my tips for creating a calmer Christmas in a workshop recently and wanted to share those key tips with you too. 

Unwrapping the Reasons Behind Festive Frazzle:

  1. Change is in the Air: The usual routine takes a festive break.

  2. Social Demands: Expectations to behave a certain way during family visits or school productions.

  3. Sensory Overload: Too much excitement, too many lights, and a dash of overstimulation.

  4. Less Downtime: The usual moments of relaxation are replaced by a whirlwind of activities.

  5. Weather Woes: Cold weather often means less outdoor play and exercise.

  6. Sleep Struggles: Late nights, early mornings - the holiday sleep schedule is a challenge.

  7. Expectation vs. Reality: Kids might have a vivid idea of how Christmas should unfold, leading to surprises that trigger emotional hiccups.

Tackling the Upcoming Changes:

1. Talk, But Start Slow:

  • Begin by discussing what stays the same.

  • Emphasise constants like regular breakfast, familiar sleeping arrangements, and the comforting presence of parents.

2. Visual Aids to the Rescue:

  • Create a visual calendar with your child to set expectations.

  • Keep it simple and repetitive, incorporating daily routines and special activities.

  • Encourage your child's involvement in creating or selecting calendar elements for a sense of ownership.

3. Regulatory Pit Stops:

  • Break up the festive frenzy with short regulatory activities.

  • Outdoor play, quiet time in a cozy den, sensory activities, or even a relaxing bath can work wonders.

4. Preserve Some Routine:

  • Stick to some regular routines to provide anchors in the holiday hustle.

  • Maintain morning rituals, bedtime routines, and a few familiar mealtimes.

5. Me-Time for a Merry You:

  • Schedule decompression time for yourself.

  • Continue your usual self-care activities or sneak in moments of peace amid the festive rush.

6. Set Realistic Expectations:

  • Acknowledge that perfection isn't the goal.

  • Embrace the imperfections, and remember that a calm parent contributes to a calmer household.

The Final Bow:

In the grand production of Christmas, it's okay to edit the script, add a few improv moments, and take a breather. By understanding the triggers behind emotional dysregulation and implementing these strategies, we can create a calmer Christmas for our families.

So, here's to a festive season filled with joy, laughter, and a sprinkle of tranquility. 

For more tips and tools on supporting emotional regulation visit the Confident Communicators Facebook group.