Parent Testimonial: Michelle

Michelle reached out for help with her son’s (aged 1) speech and language development

Michelle first came to me as she was worried about where to begin with supporting her son with his speech and language.

‘I felt overwhelmed as we found out that our son had Down syndrome post-birth so I had no time to prepare or know what to do to ensure he had the right support.’

It has been wonderful to work with Michelle and her little one over the past 10 months. I was able to provide individual support with his speech and language, as well as help with other areas such as attention, listening and play skills. It is lovely to see the progress he is making in lots of different areas of development!

‘Sarah made me feel so relaxed from the onset and gave me the confidence to support my son and where to start and what to prioritise! She gave me lots of useful strategies to help me work on my son’s attention and listening, to know what sounds and signs to work on and made me think about things in small steps which enabled me to feel less overwhelmed. My son’s attention and listening has really improved with the activities set by Sarah as well as being able to understand turn taking and he is able to say some key sounds.’

I also provided help in the nursery setting and visited the staff at the nursery Michelle’s son attends

‘My son’s teachers all said how much they had learnt from Sarah’s expertise that could be applied to the nursery setting! I’ve already seen photos of some of the activities Sarah has suggested.’

Filling out forms and paperwork can be a stressful and confusing experience, and I am here to support you with these to make the experience smooth and easy, and to ensure you feel confident. I helped Michelle with her son’s Disability Living Allowance paperwork:

‘Sarah also helped me to apply for my son’s Disability Living Allowance, which we were awarded and gave me useful tips to be able to fill out the form.’

What was it like to work with me?

‘You see every child as an individual and will tailor support to meet their needs! You make every family feel valued and well looked after! You’re a real-life Mary Poppins! You have so much expertise and any child could benefit as you have so many ideas that could help all children meet milestones! You’re also a great listener and I can tell you anything and you never judge.’

If you are feeling overwhelmed, or lost with your child’s speech and language development, or other needs, and how to best support them with this, please do get in contact for a friendly chat.